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Home > Products > CLERAD’s Products : Gamma Sup > General Presentation

General Presentation

Gamma Sup is an intraoperative probe detecting gamma rays and used in the medical field through the Sentinel Lymph node technique. This probe belongs to the latest probe range and has excellent results on the market due to its price and high detection quality.


This medical system belongs to the Class II (the french company GMed has been chosen for the CE marking process (Notify body : 0459)

In order to optimise the detection of different human tissues activated with radioisotopes emitting Gamma rays (especially 99mtc) The company Clerad has studied the Gamma Sup system.

Its high efficiency allows the exact localisation of an emitting source. The performance of the probe make it essential in the dissection of the Sentinel Lymph Node in a breast or skin cancer.

This way of use is not the only one and Gamma Sup is extremely useful in guiding the surgeon’s hand in every situation in which an area presents a high activity range superior to the one of the surrounding human tissues. A former scintigraphic imagery can be useful for every surgery.

After the exertion the absence of residual activity detected by the Gamma Sup allows the surgeon to make sure that the surgery act is completed.

This system is delivered with a transport box and is composed of a unit control, a connecting cable, one or two probes and a user’s guide.

Training on the Sentinel Lymph Node technique can complete every purchase.

The 14mm probe has been created for the detection of isotopes whose energy is included between 40 and 400 keV (99mtc, 111 In, 131 I) with the possibility or preferring the sensitivity level or the resolution level.

The 12-mm probe has been created for the specific detection of the 99mtc isotope with the possibility or giving greater importance to the sensitivity level or the resolution level.

Techniques of use

When the radio-elements come back to a more stable range of activity, the excessive energy can be materialised under the shape of Gamma rays (photons). The detector selects and transforms the photons into an electronic impulsion. These signals are sent to the control unit in order to be analysed. The numbers displayed are tended to statistic fluctuation at the counting rate.

An original signal sound modulated thanks to the detected activity allows the surgeon to modify the probe orientation, to locate the most activated zone quickly. The instant value of the detected activity is displayed under numeric shape and visualised by a barograph.

Descriptions of the probes :

This system is delivered with a transport box and is composed of a unit control, a connecting cable, one or two probes and a user’s guide. Training on the Sentinel Lymph Node technique can complete every purchase.

- The 14 mm probe : This probe was created for the isotopic detection. Isotopes, whose phonic energy lies between 40 and 400 keV ( 99mtc, 111 In, and so on and so forth…) It contains a reinforced shield, which weakens the parasites provoked by the activity on the injection point. The collimator is part of the probe and is connected to the control unit by a 3.5 m connecting cable.
- The 12 mm probe : This probe is particularly dedicated to the detection of isotopes (99mtc) which activity range is quite weak in the Sentinel Lymph Node detection. Thanks to its 12-mm diameter it can be used for coelioscopic surgeries.

Modifications can be applied according to the customer wishes.

It is really important to remind the customer that every probe has to be hooded by a sterilised cap during the surgery.

Clerad - 15 rue Patrick Depailler - La Pardieu - 63000 Clermont-Fd - FRANCE - Tel : +33 (0)4 73 74 62 40 - email :